June 15 - July 11, 2020
This updated program is registered with the Foundation Jaques-Dalcroze, and is in compliance with the regulations set forth by the Institute Jaques-Dalcroze, Geneva, Switzerland. It is based in the same traditional values handed down by Emile Jaques-Dalcroze, and refined to train and educate the twenty-first century musician and educator.
All candidates applying for the Jaques-Dalcroze License must hold a Master's degree in music or music education, and hold the Advanced Certificate Jaques-Dalcroze. The examinations are designed to prepare the candidate to pass the entrance examinations for the Diplôme Supèrieur Jaques-Dalcroze program at the Institute Jaques-Dalcroze, Geneva, Switzerland.
License candidates register for Program L which is the entire four-week semester. Candidates must take Program L two consecutive summers. In the "First Summer" and during Program A, the License candidates will focus on the required pedagogy and plastique practicums and assist the faculty with level one and level two practice sessions in improvisation and solfège. They will act as graduate assistants. Throughout Program B the License candidate will attend the required "First Summer" course work, which includes solfège, improvisation, and eurhythmics. The "Second Summer" is similar. However,a completed term paper must be submitted and accepted by the program director before candidates are allowed to register. Also, the course work in the "Second Summer" is more advanced, and the candidate must complete the pedagogy and plastique practicums. Once having completed all requirements, the candidate may apply to take the required examinations offered at the end of the "Second Summer" or the Dalcroze National Holiday Weekends. The candidate will attend two successive Summer semesters to complete coursework in all subjects including the plastique animée and student teaching stratagems with the Diplômés and their associates on staff. Both stratagems include work with Level II and III Certificate candidates.
Also, the candidate is expected to teach a fifty - sixty-minute Jaques-Dalcroze lesson in front of the jury. The lesson presented will be suitable for professional musicians at the university level and contain work in eurhythmics, solfège and piano improvisation. The candidate is also expected to present to the jury a plastique animée project and the required original music compositions (see piano improvisation requirements). Additionally, the candidate will choose a topic of a term paper in conjunction with the program director. The written project must be completed, reviewed by the Director, and submitted to the jury before registering for "Summer Two."
Course Descriptions and Outcomes
Metric and rhythmic transformation and poly-rhythmics (5/2, 5/3, 5/4, 4/3, 2/3) with and without arm beat patterns. Also, "complex" meter in five and seven beats along with the use of arm beats in meters of 5, 6, 7, and 8. The introduction of three times as fast and slow plus a review of two times as fast and slow. Also explored is movement improvisation with tonal, atonal, and modal music.
Throughout the examination, the candidate will perform musically and accurately without pauses, uncertainty, or hesitations. In each exercise, the body will remain poised and balanced so that the movement can demonstrate dynamic and agogic nuance, phrasing, metric integrity, and musical accuracy.
The continuing development of tonality, function, pitch, and interval through specific exercises and songs, duets, and canons in three and four voices. Also covered are all types of triads found in major and minor keys in all inversions, and the first, second, third, fourth and fifth species of seventh chords in root position, and all inversions. Work on all the major and harmonic minor doh-to-doh scales with continued work on the minor tetrachords. Also covered is changing clef using the seven Dalcroze clefs, transposition by way of the clef, and modulation to all nearly related keys. Candidates will work with a partner on all exercises and music literature.
Throughout the exam, the candidate will perform musically and accurately without pauses, uncertainty, or hesitations. The candidate will use arm beat patterns with each exercise while the body remains poised and balanced so that the voice can demonstrate dynamic and agogic nuance, and rhythmic accuracy.
The development of keyboard musicianship skills for improvising music for teaching eurhythmics in any major and minor tonality. Also covered is anacrusic and crusic phrase structure in an A B, A B A, and rondo form. Included is rhythm realization, melody harmonization, and figured and non-figured bass line realization with modulation to all nearly related keys, using triads in all inversions and the first through fifth species of seventh chords in all inversions in four voices. Also introduced is the modulation to non-related keys by way of the primary "color" chords such as the augmented sixth chord, the Neapolitan six chord, and the fifth species chord (fully diminished seventh chord).
Throughout the exams, the candidate will perform musically and accurately at the piano without pauses, uncertainty, or hesitations. While performing, the candidate will demonstrate metric integrity, rhythmic accuracy, coherent phrase structure, clear articulation, correct use of the damper pedal, and cogent dynamic nuance.
The teaching of complete eurhythmics lessons which are based on vocal or instrumental music literature, and include some aspects of Jaques-Dalcroze solfège and piano improvisation.
Candidates will follow the student teaching practicum while in residence throughout the two Summer semesters.
- Candidates teach at least five but no more than six forty-five-minute eurhythmics classes that include solfège and piano improvisation. Detailed preparation precedes while constructive critical analysis follows each lesson. Each experience provides an opportunity for on-the-spot feedback and direction given by the teacher.
- The examination class takes place with at least two Diplômes and three licentiates serving as a jury and usually during the Summer semester. However, the exam may take place at another time deemed appropriate by the director of the program.
- Each lesson will be rooted in a piece of music which the candidate develops throughout the experience and concludes the lesson with a plastique animée rendering.
The development of skills for creating a choreography on a specified composition. Students will study movement technique, group dynamics, and musical form and analysis while creating a group choreography. Also covered is the invention of musical visualizations (folk dances).
With a group of individuals from the class as assigned by the professor of plastique animée, the candidate will choreograph one of the prepared pieces submitted as part of the improvisation examination. The project is supervised and guided by the plastique animée professor.
Candidates are asked to write a term paper on the candidate’s personal experience as a Dalcrozian and how that experience has affected their work not only as an educator but as a musician. Hopefully, this will spur ideas for incorporating the work of Jaques-Dalcroze and his disciples into music making and music teaching of all types. The length of the paper is atthe discretion of its author.
Candidates for the Licence d’Enseignement must submit the required term paper four weeks before taking any personal examinations in eurhythmics, solfège or piano improvisation. The document will be distributed among the jury members and deemed as acceptable or unacceptable by each member. Members of the jury will submit their findings to the director. The director of studies will then decide if the candidate will rewrite the paper or make corrections and revisions. Nevertheless, without a completed document deemed acceptable by each jury member the candidate may not participate in any personal examinations.