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The improvisation course parallels the musical material of the solfège course. This way, what is studied orally, can manifest itself at the piano.
The goal of piano improvisation is to provide students with the proper tools to make music on the spot for teaching authentic Jaques-Dalcroze classes musically.

Improvisation is a type of synthesis. It is the combined result of the experience and study of eurhythmics and solfège at the piano. Also, improvisation is the construction of sounds and silences into musical phrases of similar or different lengths. These musical phrases are created in a variety of keys and modulate from one tonality to another to create form. Musical forms include ternary, rondo, sonata-allegro, and fugue and use dynamic and agogic nuance. 

The course begins with the construction of bass lines and melodies in Doh major. Shortly, students begin to place themes over a given bass line and then construct bass lines under a given tune. We study key signatures in the order found in the Circle of Fifths and learn chords and chord progressions by their function within the diatonic scale. Increasingly, we group harmonic sequences into musical phrases created in specific rhythm structures, which provide music that will incite movement. Beginners learn to play for the walk, trot, skip, and gallop, but soon learn to create music for all types of expressive movement.